Structured Commentary of the Bible

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Main Features


More than 100 thousand graphs that you can download to your computer and use them freely.

Rabbinic Literature

Rabbinic literature related to each verse of the Bible. Mishnah, Talmud (Jerusalem and Babylon), Midrash, Halakhah, Kabbalah, Tosefta, Chassidut, Musar and hundreds of other resources.

Church Fathers

Writings of the church fathers. Ante-Nicene, Nicene and Post-Nicene.

Commentaries and Dictionaries

90 commentaries and 35 dictionaries in accordance with each of the Bible verses.

Hebrew, Greek and Latin

Tools for learning Hebrew, Greek and Latin. Study the Bible in the original languages.


More than a hundred courses and specializations on the Bible, theology, pastoral care, psychology and much more. They include certificates.

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